We will have a section for our group. Everyone will purchase their own food and beverages to include tax and tip. (Please bring cash or you can use venmo/zelle to reimburse the RFD hostess as the total will be on one check. No separate checks will be issued) If you plan to attend, please indicate […]
Three Course Luncheon Menu includes: spring salad, bread, coffee, tea, soft drinks and chocolate ganache dessert - No Host bar (credit card only, no cash) Parking for Noor is available in the Paseo Mall parking lot. Noor is located .6 miles from the Westin Pasadena. Complimentary parking validation will be provided, reducing the total amount […]
If you plan on attending, please email me so that I can let Cory know how many (if any) will be attending. Remember, your attendance is at your own discretion. If there are those of you who wish to attend, I will coordinate with Cory to have the room set up. We meet at 1 […]
As in past years we will be having a few giveaway gifts, so if you are up to it please feel free to bring a gift that we will raffle off. What we are most hoping for is a good group of old friends finishing this ugly past year with a positive get together to […]