If you are planning to attend please RSVP to me (Gil Carrillo) at gil187@aol.com. This is just so I can give Steven’s a general head count. Any questions feel free to contact me via cell (323) 333-2973. Thanks to all in advance and hope to see you there.
On June 17 th ,The Ole RoadWarriors ,will gather for lunch We will meet at Roscoe’s Famous Deli located at 14700 Pipeline Ave, Chino Hills ,91709 ( 909-597-3304 ). We will be seated at 1100 hrs
If you plan on attending, please email me so that I can let Cory know how many (if any) will be attending. Remember, your attendance is at your own discretion. If there are those of you who wish to attend, I will coordinate with Cory to have the room set up. We meet at 1 […]
Western Kentucky/Tennessee Retirees June lunch will be 11:30 am on Saturday the 26th. The location is Jonathan’s grill, 7135 S. Springs Dr., Franklin, Tennessee. I-65 Frey at Cool Springs in Franklin. Any questions contact: Michael Centofante, 626-484-1155 or email kidcento@yahoo.com.
As a reminder, this is a non-political luncheon intended solely as a get together for retired LASD individuals now living in the southern Idaho area. In order to give the restaurant and accurate count please RSVP Steve Kenny at: sakenny1957@yahoo.com
Bring money for your own food and drinks. Invite wives, girlfriends, and our old classmates who are no long with LASD, the more the merrier. We look forward to catching up, lets celebrate our 30 years.